My challenge video is below. I got lazy at the end and I didnt implement a second map. Also, there is not any AI improvements. But other challanges are finished. Enjoy! And dont forget to share your thoughts.
Phenomenal job!!
Thank you
How do you detect the Gun Actor of the player for the ammo?
Basically, I have an array to hold the guns for the player. And I have an integer called GunIndex to hold the equipped gun index in the gun array. I have write a simple function to get the current gun called GetCurrentGun (just returns GunArray[GunIndex]). With these, I simply call Player->GetCurrentGun()->GetAmmo()
Can I see the code that defines “Player”, the function “GetCurrentGun”, and the place where you called “Player->GetCurrentGun()->GetAmmo()” ? Also, what code lets the Ammo Pickup Actor detect if the Player is touching it?
In ShooterCharacter.h
TArray<AGun*> GunInventory;
AGun* GetCurrentGun() const;
In ShooterCharacter.cpp
AGun* AShooterCharacter::GetCurrentGun() const
if (GunInventory.Num() > GunIndex)
return GunInventory[GunIndex];
return nullptr;
Get Current Gun is actually a blueprint callable. So I call it in widget blueprint function: