So this mega challenge would end up being really interesting to do. I spent a lot of time over the weekend working on this as I had more trouble than I originally intended.
All the texturing went off without a hitch, but as you can see from picture one, the dog wound up really wonky looking, and the room felt empty, so I went back, adjusted the dog’s shoulder, and redid all the fur, added a light switch and a picture in the corner, aaaaand my render turned out really bad. Keep in mind that with my 3080, these renders are taking 5-10 hours each. so, I went back edited it further, added MORE render cycles (I’m at 8000 at this point) and I just still didn’t like it.
So at this point I’m at a loss, I sleep on it overnight, and return this morning, I decide to switch to eevee, and see what I can do from there.
First problem: Lost the sun beam. No problem I just remove the windows, and give merely the illusion they are there.
second problem: The lampshade is giving off a really pixelated light up near the ceiling. Solution 1: Up the shadow resolutions, Result: Failure, less pixelated, but really bad still. Solution 2: Add a face to the top of the lampshade, and put a point light up top at 5 watts, Result: What you see.
Third Problem: Dogs Hair turns super this and black, Solution: Really easy, changed from a hair bsdf, to a Principled bsdf, and in the render setting changed hair from strands to strips.
The result is what you see on bottom. I’m very happy with it, and I think until I can afford a small render farm I’m going to continue to target Eevee for most of my projects. I had hoped a 3080 would be enough, but it seems as though it’s still not quite there.