Medieval Inn project


I originally planned to post a simple picture in which I was goofing around with the new thing I learned (aka. World volume Scattering) but then I saw that this is where most people post their final renders.

So I will first post my simple picture and then edit the post to include my final render (I will also edit the topic name once I have done that). This will prevent creating two posts here :slight_smile:

World volume scattering

Sometimes your chimney conduit clog up and a lot of smoke goes into the room, this is what happened in my scene :laughing:

Bartender: - Is that Santa again obstructing my chimney ?

(It is Christmas soon after all)

Final renders:

Well first of all I kind of underestimated the render time, and the fact that my cat wanted to warm itself on my laptop while it was rendering, leading to close blender and the diverse rendered slots making me lose 4H :sweat_smile: . But I can’t blame the cat, it is prety cold outside theses days :upside_down_face:

Let’s begin with a nice exterior view under the moon and the stars, then enter the Inn, have a look around the bartender, climb up the stairs and see what a bedroom look like.

/Storytelling mode ON:

As you traveled for quite a long time, the sun set and the moon rose, your journey led you to a cool looking Inn … What a nice view :

It seems like some other travelers have already reached this quiet place … Yeah quiet is the word, everybody must be tired after such a long day. You can notice some shutters closed at the first floor, whoever is in this room must be sleeping.

The door is open, like it is encouraging you to step inside.
As soon as you step inside, you take a look around, the fire’s warmth, coming from your left, feels nice on your tired body:

1, 2, 3, 4 customers and a bartender. The table on your right was occupied recently, likely by the customer that went to sleep.
Two mens are talking, not really loud, you can hear the fire crackling.
There is one guy in the back, under the stairs, he is mysterious, you can’t see his face but notice a lot of empty bottles on his table, he must be up to no good and looking for a fight while drunk.

The bartender is waving at you, you move toward him:

“Hello traveler, care for some of the finest ale around ? Or maybe you need a room ?”
The man looks sympathic, it add to the cozy atmosphere around you. You are a little too tired to even want something to drink and tell the bartender that you would like a room and pay him.

“Just go upstairs and right across the hall, but please be quiet, there is someone in the second room on your left”

You are now going toward the stairs but just before you go up, you take an other look around:

Everyone is waving. How cute !

The weight on your legs feels heavier each time you make climb a step of stair. You struggle lifting your left leg to reach the top, you will wait here a few seconds until you feel able to walk again. You feel old … old and tired.

You can see your goal at the end of the hall:

As you go across the hall you look inside the rooms, the first on your left is a storage room, the two on your right are simple rooms.
The second on your left is closed, obviously.

You finally reach your bedroom, and there are 3 beds. Odd, the bartender didn’t charge you any extras … Is there a downside or is he really kind ?
No time to think, you need sleep right now, you can alway figure it out tomorrow.
You go toward the first bed you see. That bedcover has a funny rabbit design:

You put down all your bagagges on the table and dive into the sheets.
Just before slumbering you notice the warmth coming from the wall on your left, the chimney must be right behind it.

No time to close the shutters now that you are under covers, beside the stars shining through the window are beautiful and plunge you to sleep … a deep sleep

\Storytelling mode OFF

I am happy you took some time to read that story and visit my post, it took quite some time to build this Inn in a modular way (~24 days) but I learned a lot along the way :slightly_smiling_face:.
I do have plenty of room to improve and I am not quite pleased with some parts of this project, but maybe I bit more than I can chew, so I will stick with this level of detail (LOD) for now.

I will come back to it once I learned how to do a face, to give my characters a proper body :smiley: . But I could use a break right now. See you soon in the next section !

Cheers !

@Miss_B completed !


Looking good Hiju, looking very good. :slight_smile:

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