Medieval Cellar Layout (And building blocks!)

I love love love how modular this is. I took this course to further my game dev knowledge so this section has been a blast to work through. I enjoyed my time with the Fluffy Bunny but this is what I’m most proud of.

Can’t wait to learn UV texturing (Which I cheated and saw was further down this section)

The last picture above shows the various building blocks used.

  1. Wall piece
  2. Doorway w/ door
  3. Doorway w/o door
  4. L Corner
  5. T Corner
  6. X Corner
  7. Wall end piece (for walls that end with nothing connected to them)

The fact that the entire indoor scene was made with just 6 models used cleverly was very cool and an insight into how games are made.

I took some extra time to make sure the pieces themselves are as low poly as possible and there are no faces between and below the pieces. This entire scene is only 3.6k polygons. I learnt a lot struggling with the requirements I gave myself.


That looks really good. All neat and tidy. And those corner pieces! Honestly, I didn’t even come to think of any other shapes than the L-corner. Looking at your images makes me feel like you’ve invented the wheel or something. XD I really mean that. Pieces for all possible corner types will make life so much simpler.

I think everybody peeks at the UV section beforehand. I know I did. :slight_smile:

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I didn’t think of different pieces at first either! It’s only when I tried making the level when the requirements became apparent.

All the credit to Michael and Ben stressing being lean :smile:

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Well, much credit to them. :slight_smile: And much to you for coming to think of direct solution!

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