Mediator Class

Stephen mentioned the mediator pattern in the lecture. I’ve not come across this before. From a quick google, it sounds like this allows classes to communicate with other classes (or even other instances of itself) without knowing about them - kinda like an interface. I think in the case of this solution, a mediator is overkill, but I can definitely see a use if you wanted to access multiple things from one event, say making all your grenades explode as soon as one does.

Anyhoo, I created a GrenadeAudioMediator.cs:

public static class GrenadeAudioMediator
    public static void GrenadeBeep()

    public static void GrenadeExplode()

And then, in Grenade:

    private void Explosion()
        Instantiate(_explosionVFX, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);

As ever, I guess practice will help me work out WHEN to use these patterns


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