Mayan Pyramid - Placed in scene

Still need to get the hang of lighting, but I like the scene


Hi, because a pyramid lives in the open world.
Use a single sun lamp instead.
Change the angle to change shadows

Very nice job. Love the feel that it’s underground and being discovered! If that’s not the case then I apologize! That’s how it feels to me with the rock wall. Great job!

Thanks. That’s what I was talking about with the light… I would add a sun lamp, but then in render mode, it would totally white wash the image. I’m not sure why it worked this time, but the lighting came out much better.
I also had to add play with the emission from the cloud and the sky, otherwise they were showing the reflection of the grass.


A point, spot lamp works with light bulb energy with WATTs like in your home.
a 100w lamp at your ceiling.

Sun has a different energy level, millions of watts.
So, for sun and environment light we use a different unit, ‘1’ as default.

If you have a point light with strength 100, and change it’s type to sun.
The energy for the sun is ‘100’ (100 times too strong). A white scene
But if add a sun lamp its default level is ‘1’, nice and cozy.

Have fun.


Very useful information! Thank you, hopefully I remember this haha :laughing: .

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