I see how we can do min size and preferred size and flexible size with all the stuff we’ve learned. But how about max size?
My situation is that I will have very extensive dialogues (My game is educational in nature). On an ipad with a 4:3 aspect ratio I set narrow left and right margins (e.g. 180 pixels relative to Canvas using “top stretch”) to make the text format nicely. iPad Mini is the target device I am optimizing for but there are many tablets with wider screens. It looks silly if it’s on a WQHD (2560x1440) or wider screen. So with a wider screen, I want wider margins.
The canvas the Dialogue object object sits under has a 2048x1536 reference resolution (ipad mini 5) with screen match mode set to expand.
I guess I could always write a script to change the margins on the dialogue game object in response to changing aspect ratios. But it feels like there’s a solution I’m not thinking of.
Example at 20148x1536
Appearance in a wide format (1366x768)
Here is the object hierarchy