Math for games

Hi guys. I backed the math for games on Kickstarter back before it came out and was in the middle of the unity and blender courses but had to take a break due to some personal issues and missed the email with the code for the course. I found the emails last night but unfortunately Udemy had changed something to where they were only valid for 30 days. Is it no longer possible for me to get access to the course without paying full price? Either way I’m glad you guys met your goal and we’re able to get it out. I’m sure it’s great and if I have to pay for it then I surely will at some point. Thanks in advance!

For me it shows up as $14.99 (discount price). Generally, Udemy courses are on sale 99% of the time. If they’re not, sometimes you just have to add it to your cart, leave and come back, or try incognito mode. Either way, you can definitely always buy courses at the “discount” (which is the ‘real’) price.

I would contact the team using the contact us form on this site with the email address that you used on the kickstarter and see if they can resolve this for you :slight_smile:

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