Math - Bayes' Theorem

In this lecture we looked at Bayes’ Theorem, which gives us another way to approach conditional probability problems.
We only look at the most basic uses here, but Bayes’ Theorem can be used in all kinds of interesting situation and forms the basis of Bayesian statistics and Bayesian inference.

I saw this same problem in the movie black Jack. Now I understand the math.

I believe the question about the coin toss needs to be rephrased. “Currently the question says we are flipping a fair coin. We want to know the chance of flipping 2 heads in a row, given that we already flipped 1 Head”
If we have already flipped 1 Head, there are literally just 2 possible outcomes. HT and HH. The TH is not an acceptable outcome. Therefore, the probability has to be 1/2 instead of 1/3.


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