Mass/thrust issue. My rocket seems to be heavier than the one in the video [fixed]

Hello gals and guys,

is there anything wrong when i have to use bigger numbers in the mThrust variable?
Because I have to use way more to start the rocket, but the rocket has the same mass as it is suggested in the video.


Thank you for engaging in my problem(s) :slight_smile:

edit: I guess I somehow created the frameupdate time before the lesson, so I needed to tweak it.

Please if anyone has an answer to this Iā€™d like to know as well.
65k seems a bit much but runs fine while testing within unity, much faster in WebGL, I can only assume this has to do with frame rates being that much different within the two.


maybe multiplying the up vector times the frametime will do the trick.

rigidBody.AddRelativeForce(Vector3.up * thrustThisFrame);

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