Making Our Character Walk

Why didn’t we do this in the metahuman blueprint we created?

The metahuman blueprint is a child of the BP_ThirdPersonCharacter blueprint class. As a result, it inherits all changes and settings inside of that class. To put another way, making changes in BP_ThirdpersonCharacter does change the metahuman blueprint. So two birds with one stone! This comes in handy later when you start making enemy guards.

While I understand what you’re saying, it doesn’t make sense that we copied the blueprint code and then put it in the Metahuman blueprint in the first place if it was just inheriting it.

Could you explain this further?

So I tested it out. It still works when I remove the logic from the Metahuman blueprint. I just don’t understand why we copied the code initially in the setting metahumans part when all we had to do was change class settings.

Oh, that! Yeah that I’ll bring up to Mike and see if we can do something to clear the confusion.

For context: You don’t need to copy that code so long as you set the parent class in class settings to BP_ThirdPersonCharacter. Mike had run into an issue and felt he needed to do that but we managed to resolve it later.

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