Making Blender Do Things That CAD Can Only Dream Of

In the past we had people using CAD software and going to Blender and having some issues on measuring and dimensions of parts (objects). It could be done in Blender, but it has its twists.

But after reading this article, I thought wow, a new direction for using geo-nodes.


Between this, and the other one you posted about building your own procedural tools, pretty soon Blender’s going to feel like its own VR game! XD


Blender World Domination is only a matter of time :rofl:

(Only half-joking)


That would be funny because the (very) old Blender setup, it had features to build games.
They abandon it in favor of creating content (3D).


The Blender Game Engine wasn’t abandoned. It was just moved to a different fork, Because there wasn’t a lot of demand for it. If you want to use it you can go here:

Just a shout out to Armory3D who also intergrade their game engines into blender.


Okay, Blender is open source!
But does the Blender team maintain this game part?

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Unfortunately, no. And the engine doesn’t look to be very popular:

(but at least there are some games released on steam with it!)

Edit: Link to data source:


Maybe it will gain again, momentum with the new EEVEE.


How does this forking work?
Does it get all the standard Blender updates or is it side lined but with the game engine still in it?
Plus I thought Godot was very closely linked to Blender.

The developers that worked on the original game engine also work on upBGE. The current alpha version is using blender 4.3.

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Blender foundation does work with the Godot team and officially recommend Godot over upBGE. Originally they were going to pay the BGE developer for 1 year to maintain the upBGE, but there apparently is more people interested in it than expected. Even with that there isn’t enough interest in it to make it a major contender.

On the forking question, yes they use latest Blender code and even submit bug fixes and helped with the raytrace element of eevee next. It’s just not officially worked on by Blender institute.


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