Making a website for portfolio and/or devlogs?

I was just wondering if anyone has created their own website for their portfolios or devlogs?

I’m considering making one at the moment, mainly for game dev blogging original IP’s that I’m working on. I feel like this would be useful for both myself (in terms of reflecting on my progress) and for job applications (as they would be able to see what I’m currently making). Perhaps it could even help with promoting my games and help give an overview of all previously released games and where to find them.

Any thoughts? Anyone here have a website they’ve made?

If you are good with HTML, CSS, and other web technologies use github pages for a simple and free website to host your blog/portfolio.

You also will need to know how to use git whether in a GUI or command line.

My current portfolio page is under construction and I do not wish to show it at this time.

I’m quite familiar with git/github (though never used github pages).

I’ve done a little bit of HTML and CSS in the past but not for a while. I’ve been thinking of this route but I’ve been leaning towards Squarespace so that I can focus my time and energy on game development and getting a job in the games industry.

Then perhaps down the line I can learn HTML/CSS better, make the github page, hook up my custom domain and then end my subscription with Squarespace.

That’s my current thinking anyways.

I mean, HTML/CSS is really easy. If you are proficient in C, C++, or C#. I see no reason you couldn’t get your website up on github pages quickly.

But yes, Squarespace would make your life easier I believe, though I don’t have experience working with them though.

Whatever you do, good luck on your job hunt. :metal:

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