Making a Medieval Tavern

Making a circular wall out of segments was kind of a pain, but it all went together alright. Kind of. :neutral_face: More to do, with a fireplace, a bar, stairs to floor 2, kitchen, etc. Anyhow, it’s a good start. Getting the segments lined up around a circular floor was pretty annoying, and the angles still aren’t 100% flush, but I reckon it’s good enough for low-poly work.


If you made the whole circular wall from a cylinder it would all be lined up, flush etc. If you then wanted to build it out of sections you only need to keep one section from the whole cylinder, to use as repeat sections.

Good achievement. And yes working with organic objects (round), is a next level in blender experience.

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I thought about that, but the point of the exercise seemed to be to make components that could be puzzled together.

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This is how I did it with components, a while ago. I moved a couple to show it up. The original sections were just taken from a full cylinder section. Make the full size ring, with a handy divisible number of verts to the full circle. Remove 11/12 of the faces leaves you with 1/12. you then have a component for the simple wall. For the crenelated one in the image below you only need shape that one section, than the component repeating does the rest. This way they fit perfectly.


Next challenge will be to make the textures fit.
But it is a learning process and your progress is good.

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