Making a game inspired by Vampire Survivors

After a journey of about 2 years since learning to program from scratch thanks to courses!
(thanks to the teachers and ofcourse Nina and Brian for answering all our questions)
I’m finally starting to see my first game take shape! (still enough to do tho :frowning: )

I got inspired after playing Vampire Survivors and since i kept reading online;
for your first game, start small! This concept seemed simple enough to do by myself.

I used assets for all the models etc, since i have 0 interest in making game graphics.

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You created it by yourself, from that video it feels very good to me.
Is there any spreadsheet where you document your journey or development plan? :slight_smile:

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To be honest, while playing vampire survivors back then, i just started listing everything i thought i would need, then started at character movement, and worked it out from there on.

I can say im happy i took the advice to start small as i read online,
even in this small project, there were so many things i had to rework,
just from either bad planning, having a better idea while working,
or simply not thinking about things till i needed them.

So all ican say, for next time, i will take a lot more time planning, and indeed making a plan.
to prevent having to rework so much :wink:

Does not seem small to me :smiley: but I am at the beginning of the journey,

But I understand do propper planning and thinking about GameObjects donfiguration, scripts, scriptable obejcts and so on is better to have some solid structure at the beginning then mesh-up within the process.

Do you have anything particular on your mind as a next project?

Oh yes, i mean it is still quite some work, but as far as games go, i think this is one of the “smallest” starts one could make.

And yes indeed proper planning will probably save a lot of headache lol…

For now i still have plenty to do in this project, once its done i will put it on Steam.
After that i will first do some more courses before i start another project of my own,
i would prefer to unclude multiplayer in my next game.

Good luck on your journey!

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