Make Turret take shortest route to face target


I was getting annoyed by the fact that the turret could travel over 180 degrees if you moved between +90 and -90 degrees behind the tank. This is my workaround to fix that.

void UTankTurret::Rotate(float RelativeSpeed, FVector RelativeLocation)

	RelativeSpeed = FMath::Clamp<float>(RelativeSpeed, -1, 1);
	// Calculate how much we need to move the Turret this tick
	float YawChange = RelativeSpeed * MaxRotationSpeed * GetWorld()->DeltaTimeSeconds;
	float RawNewYaw;


	// Make sure we take the short route
	if(RelativeRotation.Yaw > 90 && RelativeLocation.Y < 0)
		YawChange = FMath::Abs(YawChange);

	if (RelativeRotation.Yaw < -90 && RelativeLocation.Y > 0)
		YawChange = -YawChange;

	// The final value of Yaw with the movement for this tick.		
		RawNewYaw = RelativeRotation.Yaw + YawChange;
		// Do it
		SetRelativeRotation(FRotator(0, RawNewYaw, 0));


void UTankAimingComponent::MoveTurret(FVector Direction)
	FRotator NewDirection = Direction.Rotation() - Barrel->GetForwardVector().Rotation();
	Turret->Rotate(NewDirection.Yaw, Direction);

It’s not 100% perfect, but it is far less annoying (for me atleast) than what it used to do. Any suggestions on improvements would be greatly appreciated, math is not my strong point.

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