Make 3D Digital Art Assets Using Blender: 3D printing coupon ran out


just got the email about the 3D printing course which is free to kickstarter backers, however when I click the link in the email udemy tells me the coupons have run out.

Could this be addressed please?

Nick .

Hi @ben,

I’ve got the same problem. I waited some days to see if there was a temporary problem but alas, coupon still sold out.

Best regards,

@Lucy_Becker should be able to help with this.

@nickl and @ove1kenobi sorry you had trouble with the coupons, two of them were leaked online and so there weren’t enough licenses for all valid users :frowning:

You can gain access to the course with this coupon:


@Lucy_Becker - That’s fixed it, many thanks for sorting it out :grinning:

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Thank you, @Lucy_Becker, I’m now on board the course!

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