Main Menu Now Crashes When Start Button Clicked

Using Unreal 4.21.2 in Windows 10 64 bit, Visual Studio 17 Community.

The Main Menu now causes Unreal to crash when I click the Start button. The Quit button works as intended. I’ve tried removing and rebuilding all Main Menu parts (level, level blueprint, menu blueprint). TO do so, I’ve gone back through the lectures on each stage of building the menu level to ensure I’m wiring it all up as Ben shows. It worked fine when the start button was wired only to the open level event. But as subsequent lectures added Player Controller and input modes, the crash began to occur.

Has anyone else experienced? Any solutions?

Here is the relevant Visual Studio debugger log:
[2019.04.18-18.51.26:276][164]PIE: Play in editor start time for /Game/_Levels/UEDPIE_0_MainMenu 1.154
[2019.04.18-18.51.26:277][164]LogBlueprintUserMessages: Late PlayInEditor Detection: Level ‘/Game/_Levels/MainMenu.MainMenu:PersistentLevel’ has LevelScriptBlueprint ‘/Game/_Levels/MainMenu.MainMenu:PersistentLevel.MainMenu’ with GeneratedClass ‘/Game/_Levels/MainMenu.MainMenu_C’ with ClassGeneratedBy ‘/Game/_Levels/MainMenu.MainMenu:PersistentLevel.MainMenu’
[2019.04.18-18.51.44:816][521]LogNet: Browse: /Game/_Levels/BattleGround
[2019.04.18-18.51.44:816][521]LogLoad: LoadMap: /Game/_Levels/BattleGround
[2019.04.18-18.51.45:385][521]LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world BattleGround
[2019.04.18-18.51.45:385][521]LogLoad: Game class is ‘BattleTankGameMode_BP_C’
[2019.04.18-18.51.45:771][521]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [Tank_BP3_5] Miasma: TankBP Construct
[2019.04.18-18.51.45:778][521]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [Tank_BP_3] Miasma: TankBP Construct
[2019.04.18-18.51.45:780][521]LogWorld: Bringing World /Game/_Levels/UEDPIE_0_BattleGround.BattleGround up for play (max tick rate 60) at 2019.04.18-11.51.45
[2019.04.18-18.51.45:782][521]LogWorld: Bringing up level for play took: 0.394617
[2019.04.18-18.51.45:785][521]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [Tank_BP_C_0] Miasma: TankBP Construct
[2019.04.18-18.51.45:786][521]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [Tank_BP3_5] Miasma: TankBP Begin Play
[2019.04.18-18.51.45:787][521]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [Tank_BP_3] Miasma: TankBP Begin Play
[2019.04.18-18.51.45:788][521]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [TankPlayerController_BP_C_0] Miasma: PlayerController
[2019.04.18-18.51.45:788][521]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [Tank_BP_C_0] Miasma: TankBP Begin Play
[2019.04.18-18.51.45:789][521]LogLoad: Took 0.972028 seconds to LoadMap(/Game/_Levels/BattleGround)
Exception thrown: read access violation.
this was nullptr.

Are you still having an issue with this? Sorry I didn’t notice this thread.

I found and fixed the error in my code. Thanks.

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