MagicaVoxel palette tool

I just came to the part in this amazing course where @Rick_Davidson is talking about how we can make our own towers and assets using MagicaVoxel. He also talked a bit about that it is important to keep a consistent “theme” with colors when making the assets. So I found this cool page where you can get some really nice color palettes!

But it was kind of a pain to get them into MagicaVoxel, so I made a tool that take the Sketch-export and makes a new MagicaVoxel palette-png! Check it out and see if you find it useful :slight_smile: It’s a really simple node-script

Best regards


Hey Jesper, thanks for sharing paletton with us - I’ll add a link in the resources section of the relevant lecture pointing people to this post so they can check out your recommendations. :slight_smile:


Thank you!

That was really helpful :wink:

Thanks for sharing!

Lexi <3

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