Magic Bridge

Hi all,

I’ve tried constructing a bridge with a magic feeling;


Welcome to this site.

A good scene with spooky lighting.


Very nice scene. You achieved the magical feeling, though as NP5 said - it’s a bit spooky (especially the right side - it reminds me some undead scenes lighting).

By a chance, it looks a bit like it is underground… :sweat_smile:

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It has a good atmosphere. Fun colours too.

Due to the roughness of the rocks and stormy waters using the same colour. It is difficult to identify the main bridge. Because of this, there is no single point of attention.
The purple cave and green entrance are too far away in the picture. Fighting for attention.

There is a rule called “Rule of thirds”, which basically defines where the centre points of attention should be lying.

A warm welcome.


Nice Scene.

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