Made a mess and fixed it

Not sure what went wrong but in my C# Script I had the PlayerControls.cs accessing PlayerControls. It read at the top of the Script:

Assets> Scripts> PlayerControls.cs > PlayerControls.cs

The more I fiddled with it the worse things got to the point that Unity would only start in safe mode. A lot of head scratching and deleting of multiple scripts later, I finally started with a fresh PlayerControls script and wrote it again.

I am staying in the new InputSystem as trying to go back to the old is where everything went astray.

The new input system seems to be working as I am getting values of up to 1 and -1 on both my keyboard and XBox controller.

I may not know exactly what I am doing but I have been able to dig my way out of a few problems anyway. :slight_smile:

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Congrats for getting back on track!

To get back to the original InputManager one should first decommission the code in the PlayerControls script so it doesn’t reference it anymore. Then one needs to set the project settings to only use the old system. Once this is done (and Unity’s prompt on restart for the new input system declined) one can de-install the package.
(And if there’s some Inputsettings.asset, delete that as well.)

In my case I had to reset the entry for the InputSystem from “Both” to the old one from outside Unity, because every time I attempted to do that Unity crashed on me same as when I tried to activate the new InputSystem for the Unity editor…

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