Lumen Lighting Question

UE 5.1.1
I am having an issue when I look away from all my torch light sources. Auto exposure seems to darken everything to pure black if I point my camera down into a corner of the room/ move away from the light.

When in the center of the room, exposure adjusts and torch light fills the whole room. When I move the camera away from all point light sources to a corner, all fades to black. I tried messing with intensity and attenuation radius.

Is this a lumen problem? Some performance saver that stops my lights from rendering if I don’t look at them? Do I need to change some sort of light reflection setting on my walls and floors?

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I’m not very good with unreal but,

It sounds like your issue may be related to the auto exposure settings in Unreal Engine 5.1.1. When the camera is pointed away from all light sources, the auto exposure may be adjusting to a very low value, causing the scene to appear completely black.

One solution to this issue could be to adjust the exposure settings in the post-processing settings of your project. You can try increasing the minimum and maximum brightness values to allow for more dynamic range in the scene.

Another possible solution could be to use a stationary or static light source instead of a point light source. Stationary and static lights can be set to always be rendered, regardless of whether the camera is looking at them or not.

Lastly, it is also possible that your issue could be related to the attenuation settings of your light sources. Attenuation controls how quickly the light falls off over distance, so adjusting the attenuation radius or intensity may also help to improve the visibility of your scene when the camera is pointed away from light sources.

It is unlikely that this issue is related to Lumen or any other performance saver settings, but you can always double-check your project settings to ensure that all necessary rendering features are enabled.

Hope this helps!

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I have turned off Auto Exposure in my project settings rendering section, which fixed the issue but I do like the possibilities of that exposure feature so I will try to get that working sometime, maybe using stationary light but I’m open to try other things as well. Thanks for the help!

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