Lumen flickering

getting quite a bit of light leakage through the floor in the corridor. Duplicating the floor and elevating by 0.01 fixed the issue, but generally Lumen seems to be a mess bleeding light in many places, not just in gaps between meshes.

The torches seem to cause the entire corridor to flicker like crazy. It seems to be trying to draw the screen twice by some fairly large Y axis displacement. Initially I thought this might be caused by Z-fighting, but having gone through the meshes one by one, this doesn’t seem to be the cause.

Seems like a prudent approach for indoor environments is to build an entire box of basic geometry around the environment first? Clearly Lumen is very buggy.

I suspect that maybe there’s a limit to how many lights might be in an area. Perhaps this has to do with Attenuation Radius overlaps between source lights?

any other hints about Lumen bugs?

Would you mind showing screenshots?

I will send a video if I get it again. I’m pretty sure that by eliminating overlap in the attenuation radiuses of multiple point source lights, I’ve eliminated this light flickering/double image draw craziness.

Also, I was getting Lumen light bleed from the step right angles in the staircases. I’ve solved this by encasing the entire level in geometry with the exception of the courtyard. It’s a pretty crappy solution, assuming the outside would need to be viewable to the player, but for the purposes of getting through the course, it’s a convenient fix.

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