Low Poly Pawn

Used the same method we used with the pins to make the body with a curve turned mesh, and settled on a low poly icosphere for the top. Was tempted to make the “head” be a small floating crystal, which I might do after all for a low poly yet “ethereal” board!


You may be pushing the low poly too far down! There is no real need to is there? That head seems just to angular.

It also may be better to follow the course, different ways of working are used for a reason. Teaching you different methods.

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You can make low poly models if you want.But you have to increase the poly count a little here,especially on the head of the pawn.In the course Mike makes the chess set pretty much low poly as possible.If you want a better low poly model,you should use as less vertices as possible but at the same time and most importantly as many vertices as necessary so that the model doesn’t loose its shape or its intended purpose.Have fun!

Oh, I meant it to be angular, look a little like a cut gem. I adjusted it a bit after this to practice the bridge edge loops, but I’m just making different copies I like to then choose a theme to work with at the end.

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