Sorry for the late reply.
You should definitely post your pictures, that’s half the fun. Its a good record of your progress and I always love looking at other peoples creations.
Just some quick background, I’ve been learning blender for over two years now, but I went about it the wrong way, jumping from one tutorial to the next and I got really good at following the step by step instructions they gave me to finish a project.
But… if somebody asked me to model a mug, fruit bowl or simple house I couldn’t, my mind would go blank and have no clue and I automatically wanted to go on YouTube for a guide, all because I never took the time to actually learn the basics and get a good foundation of basic modelling.
That’s why I’m here doing this course, I will follow Grants video and produce a similar image to his (a lot of people posted better results than mine I might add) then I will make myself produce a second version with changes and try to make it my own, all with what I just learned.
My Lighthouse project took 2 weeks to make if I remember correctly. I work really slow in blender, and made lots of mistakes before I got to the point I was happy and brave enough to post it.
Like Voxelette posted, don’t let other peoples work put you off posting yours, all we see is a great bit of work, but have no idea how much experience or hours the creator sank into making it.
Keep on Blending everybody.