Low Poly House

Still not 100% finished. I’m gonna add background objects after this.
The shadows ruined it for me. I’m not sure how to fix that, but I’m still happy with the result :slight_smile:


Very nice ‘complex’ house. All from basic shapes. More ground floor windows, porch door?
You have more than one light creating multiple shadows which might be what caused you concern about the shadows. Outdoors there is usually only one main lamp in the sky! Plus I suspect Eevee render by the way some shadows do not join the wall under some overhangs.

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Nice House.

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Probably using Eevee as a render engine!
Which has simple shadow calculations turned on.

in Eevee Render options, switch on high bit depth, soft shadows and increase cube/cascade size.
And for each lamp, switch on shadow , contact shadows.

Just some basic eevee shadow configurations.

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Thank you for the help! It looks much better now :smiley:


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