Low Poly Bishop

Low poly bishop using Bezier Curve for the Boolean.


I couldn’t think of a better shape that would get that weird curve in bishops crown.

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I actually think I’ve found a really good solution. Create a cylinder with 6 sides and rotate it 90%, so the top is facing you. Set it’s diameter to equal the largest part of the hole in the bishop’s cut. Then, select the top faces of the cylinder and move them up until they exit the bishop’s head. If you want to see how precise my cut was made, find my latest post and search for the bishop. I’ll take some pictures on how I made the cutting piece and share them, if you feel like you didn’t understand my method. Well done for your work and have a nice day


As you can see, you don’t even need to rescale the faces, as there’s already a slight difference in width, so the angle is almost completely natural. I hope this helped! :slight_smile:

Hi, I did this with my first attemp, but then I looked closely to the bishops crown. You will see it has kind off a roof inside the cut. Thats why I did the curve. Ofc you could still do your way by just adding a loop in the middle then move on the z axis upwards to get that roof effect.

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