Low poly Bishop

Here’s my go. Took me a while to remember what the magic “Loop Cut and Slide” were while doing the head. I think I could get away with a simplier bobble on the head than the one suggested - that made the poly count creep up a bit above 200.

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Nice bishop! Thought I’d just start posting to try and get all the models in one thread… makes it easier to see everyones models!
I’ve gone for a slightly different style to the tutor, I think it’s worth the 300 triangle count!

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Yeah I like it :smiley: Still just only over 300 tris though by the looks of it. I cannot remember what “low poly” counts as. Assuming going to revisit that before the end of the section.

I’m not sure about the single thread thing or not. Seems like a thread per submission is the thing… but there again some people have replied like you have too.

Very free form - I guess one of the tutors should come in and give a preference :slight_smile:

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