Low Poly Barrel, from HP one

Left is photogrammetry model.
Middle LP with texture made from HP.
Right LP with no texture.

LP barrel with minor adjustments to the texture removing the top caps.
Diffuse, normal, and roughness made.

LP= 1032 tris
Photogrammetry = 2,577,549 tris, 1,289,794 verts

Proper use of Texture Painting, cloning away the brand, painted company name, from the original. Even cloned away the norm image to stop attempting the top caps.

:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: HP photogrammetry to LP barrel edit mode verts selected.


Some impressive stuff NP5!
I always love seeing the inner workings of this kind of thing. I still have a lot to learn. Thanks for sharing!
but… Pardon the unusual question, but what does HP stand for? :sweat_smile:


HP = High Poly.
LP = Low Poly

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When you say the middle texture was made from HP (High Poly) Do you mean a high resolution texture? Or is the base model itself different?

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I feel like there is a saying about egg on the face that explains about how im feeling right now.

I’m more familiar with LP = Low Poly
but for some reason my mind went to video games when I saw HP :rofl:

Thank you for clarifying NP5.

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The LP was textured by baking the texture from the HP.
A standard procedure like when sculpting in high poly counts and baking all the details down onto a retopologised LP version.

Only in this case the HP was created from photographs, about 80 4k images, of the real thing. A little cleaning up, like removing the ground the barrel was standing on, all faithfully copied and made by the process.

The base model in the middle is exactly the same as the one to the right. Both the same as the last image on the right.

I baked a Normal map from the HP. As well as a Diffuse(colour)
I made a roughness map too but it was all white, full roughness. But I hand painted a slight pale grey over areas that looked damp and so in the right light they would have a little ‘wet’ look, reflectivity.

High resolution texture, well I baked onto a 4K image, as it can always be downscaled to be smaller and lower detail. Base models are immensely different, see the poly counts.

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Thank you for the explanation!
I’m looking forward to learning baking in the character creator course I will start very soon. I am assuming it covers the basics and I’ll be able to go from there. And yeah the poly count is amazingly different, amazing stuff NP5.

Oh and thanks for always taking a look at my work as well!

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