Low performance after bulding

I noticed significantly lower perfromance of the game when running from packaged build, around maybe 20 FPS while in the editor viewport windows there is smooth 60 FPS. Does someone know what might be the cause of it?

I would say is because resolution. When you play in the editor viewport, the game window is small because all the editor UI takes screen space, but when you run the packaged build, you run it in a window that takes all the screen o directly in full screen.

So, I would run the packaged and reduce the game window to match more or less the size of the editor viewport and check.

Another thing is, the editor has this:

if you have “Monitor Editor Performance?” enabled, the editor reduces the quality of those settings (shadows, textures, effects, etc…) to keep the FPS, while in a packaged build, you have to create a menu (or edit the .ini files manually) to tweak the settings, like all PC games.

I guess it’s not that, I have all the settings in my editor on “Epic” level exactly like you have. And for the window size, I didn’t find a way to reduce the window size of the packaged build, but under Play in the editor I found “Standalone Game” option, which also runs the game in full screen and it runs ok.

Another thing i noticed in the packaged version that seems to indicate some problem is that when I move forward with my tank and click LMB to shoot, the projectile is not spawned. My understanding is that low performance makes the tank forward movement fast enough to “catch-up” projectile spawn point and there is a collision preventing the projectile from spawning. In editor this problem does not exist.

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