Low geometry chess piece rendered in cycles and eevee

I wonder if it would be to ok to showcase this on my portfolio since the design is not done by me, i modelled it but its mostly replicated from someone else’s design, probably should have thought it through before i started modelling but still had fun with this project :slight_smile:


If that’s the case it’s better not to display it on your portifolio. But you can showcase on social media if you credit the original design.

It’s not worth risking a carrear over some plagiarism accusations.

But, if the work was inspired by someone else’s work and it’s not a direct copy, then it’s fine to add it, just don’t forget to list the inspirations.


Did the original have the board wrong and thereby the King and Queens the wrong way round?

From the player position Left corner is supposed to be black. Queens go on their same colour squares.

Assuming the white patterns are the white squares, can’t see any other interpretation.
Best not showcase it when it is wrong!

Nicely modelled and textured anyway.

it’s a mistake on my part, I will re arrange it

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