Lot of [Update] messages in compiler Log

Hello I don’t think I’m affected by the slow downs but when I check the compiler log I see a lot of [update] messages that I don’t see in the video. Should I do something or is it normal?
I´m on Win 11, VS Code 1.66.0 and UE 4.27.2

Another question, where can I copy the log? Where is the file located for future reference? I can only print screen.

Thanks and sorry for any typo or error as I’m not a native English speaker.

The only line that you need to worry are those the is along the line of
codefile.cpp or .h (line XX) [error types]

All other is just system log.

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Ok, so those [Upgrade] logs are nothing to worry about right? (sorry i wrote update before)
Thanks for the fast answer.


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