Lost on challenges

This has less to do with the content of the lesson and more with the challenges being presented. I have absolutely no clue how people are intuitively completing these challenges in the middle of lessons. I spend 20 minutes not even sure what is going on then when I give up and play the video I realize there is no way I would have typed a solution like he did in a million years of replaying that lessons what are you all doing to understand this stuff better. Frankly I am getting extremely tired of spending fruitless hours trying to figure out extremely simple things what external resources have you all used to bridge the knowledge gap

The first few challenges I felt the same way, but the most recent chapters of this section, I was actually able to complete them successfully with no external material. I think maybe a key would be to rewatch the part of the lesson leading right up to the challenge.

Personally, I’m taking notes throughout, especially on the syntax of certain commands and that’s really helped me with completing the challenges. Generally, it seems a new concept is introduced, the syntax is introduced, and then we are asked to implement it. Having the syntax written in front of me helps me work through it a little easier.

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I’m feeling you man. I was nailing them all until around the mid-30s Lectures and once we started constantly running new methods on new instances of new structs etc. at basically every single step of the project, I’ve gotten totally lost. :confused: Not very encouraging when the challenge says “Fix the bug. It’s pretty simple.”

The writing down on paper thing is the way to go. We’re not all supermen, I have to do this all the time with many algorithms. In this case you can also use the debug watcher and output the values of i and j and their corresponding letters.

Write down all values in each for loop, each step of the way in a table on paper and you will soon find out what is going on.

step 1:
i=0 + first letter of hidden word
j=0 + first letter of guess

step 2:
i=0 + first letter of hidden word
j=1 + second letter of guess

etc etc…

The more you work with algorithms the better it will get. Well it depends how much you can do in your head and how tired you are off course. Take a break, come back to the problem. Do not give up.

Best of success

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