Lost in Space

So this is my third Blender project, where I tried to combine all techniques from several of Grant’s tutorials and did it all by myself without looking up stuff as a challenge. To describe it, well it’s kind of an alien organic technology orb that’s been there fo a long time, since nature already took the place back. I will also do an animation, where the orb is floating and spinning, but this is still yet to be rendered. The still shot now will be the starting point of the camera moving up towards the orb. I had a lot of fun with this project, since I tried out displacement mapping on the orb and the crystals

for example (my new machine can handle it now haha) Hope you guys like it, comments and esp. critique is always more then welcome. :slight_smile:
Cheers! Gauna


There is much going on in this scene. Difficult for a viewer to read the image, looking for recognizable features. Also a high resolution loses a lot of details on a smaller screen.
I think because you want to show a lot of techniques.
Study more on composition, like the rule of thirds.

Have fun!

Yeah I agree, there’s too much going on. The main focus should be the orb , the blue crystal is taking the attention away. Haven’t looked into composition yet to be honest haha. I wanted to incorporate everything I learned , was a bit too much for one scene :smiley:

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