Lost in a Maze

Here I made all the surfaces ‘friendly’, the challenge is just in finding the right way through the maze. This maze is pretty easy, especially from this camera angle, but it could be made more difficult by having a close up camera following the player so that the solution must be found by navigating the maze rather than by looking.
If the camera started zoomed out and closed in either after a brief countdown or on a signal from the player then an element of memory could be added to the game-play.

Edit : I just had another thought… what about a power up that let you temporarily zoom out to take another look at the map? It would probably be player activated but finding one in some remote part of the map when you’ve got yourself lost could provide a built in anti-frustration function.

Also, I realise that I basically completely removed a game-play feature here, but there’s no reason that you couldn’t have a basically ‘friendly’ environment with some dangerous/deadly obstacles or levels that varied between mazes and obstacle courses.

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