Loop cut won't go all the way around house

Hey, I’m trying to do the “More Mirror’s” lesson in the “Basic Modeling” section, and where he’s cutting the mini house in half so he can mirror it, he uses the loop cut tool and it goes all the way around. When I try to do it though it only goes along the base. Did I model my house wrong at some point to where loop cut won’t work all the way around? What do I need to do to fix it?

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Do you have any unseen vertices kicking about? Those square faces might have more than 4 vertices on them?


It implies you have extra geometry about there where Blender can not decide where to continue the loop. Wireframe view might reveal the issue. Assume it is all one connected mesh?


ok yeah that was it! I went around checking them and the third row up all had like 3 vertices per point. I merged them at center and that fixed it! Thanks!


yeah it was all connected. It turned out that there were extra vertices. Thanks for helping! I’ll remember the wireframe trick for the future


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