Loop Cut Railings... but at the wrong angle?

So, like many people apparently, I did it differently to the instructor with a loop-n-extrude. Seems to work okay, but I’m not sure if this leaves too many edges or faces hidden somewhere.

I’m more concerned that the angle of my steps aren’t going to be at 45deg, I’m not sure if he said that was important when we made the original pyramid? Mine is taller I think and the angle sharper.

See if any other angle will get the steps where they need to be if it doesn’t work. Blender tends to take a lot of trail and error on how to do things as there are many paths to the same result. I did my stairs before making it to the array modifier section and it required a lot of extruding of the bottom edge of the ramp all the way up to the top. I think as long as you’re happy with the final product it doesn’t really matter how you get there. If the final product isn’t satisfying then you can always go back and do it over again. I did and I was much happier with the result the second time because I knew what to expect.

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