Looking for Rule of 3rds Camera advice

Hello, Sorry I am somewhat a beginner to unity3d. I have a very specific idea in mind of how i would like my camera to operate. I want the player to always be in the rule of 3rds of the screen, for example if the player moves left then the camera should move as far left as possible to keep the character off center and visa-verse for moving right. Likewise for when the player is not moving at all the camera should just remain on either the left or right side keeping the player in that 3rds section of the screen.

I am currently using the MultipurposeCameraRig asset, as this seems to have everything i need and I think that i can tweak it to my needs!
my question:
Does Unity allow for the screen have coordinates that I can some how mathematically calculate to find the “rule of 3rds?” and move the camera to that calculated spot? any tips or resources would be really helpful thank you very much in advance!

Hi there, thanks for this interesting suggestion. This could make the camera much more interesting.

I think there are two elements to this, firstly getting the character on one of the thirds, then getting the subject of interest on another.

For the character it’s relatively simple to rotate the camera until the character is in the right spot. However it gets more complicated when you consider…

  1. Which third (left or right) depending on walls and the subject
  2. Where to put the subject, and where this leaves the camera
  3. etc.

This isn’t something we currently cover, however it’s an interesting topic and we’ll certainly consider it for future parts of the Unity RPG series. @Rick_Davidson note.

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