Looking for Pixel Artist For Our Game

Hello there!

We’re are currently working on a game project and we need some good pixel artists. Which programme you use doesn’t matter.

If you are interested, waiting for responds!


How qualified do you need volunteers to be? I have some skills in this area, but frankly I am still learning. I do need practice to develop more though and I’d be willing to work on several submissions of the assets until it was at a standard that met expectations. I’m happy to offer my time and contributions. I can also show you examples of pixel art that I’ve created for my own 2D platformer. Let me know if you’re interested.


I also can help.

Im down for helping out. Have you got an email or twitter I can contact to show my art to?

Are you still looking? My Brother is a pixel artist, he has done lots of styles. He is currently working on creating his own card game (almost finished, just needs some balance testing)

At the moment he is lookign to get involved in any projects that will provide inspiration.

@David_Mulgrew Where can I contact him? And is he still looking for people to help?

Hello you can contact me from Discord or here. Sorry for late response


Is this relevant? I am looking for a pixel art artist for our project

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