Looking for Helpers for Game Development and Art Creation Hobbyist Studio

Hello, my name is Thomas O’Connell and I am proposing an offer to anybody who is interested in helping to partake in growing and working for a small hobbyist studio. Read below for more information and you can shoot me an email at technolojiastudios@gmail.com or respond here of course.

What is our Hobbyist Studio?

The name for my studio is called Technolojia Studios and it is legally registered as a sole trader business but I count it as a hobby since I am only 14 and focus on school and other things more. I will pursue game development and work like that when I finish school because I really enjoy the work of development and the future game developing has.

Will I get paid for helping?

Yes and no. You will not be paid like an actual worker as I suppose this is sort of voluntary but casual work too. We will work on developing games and more regularly but any work you do which people buy and you say you can help them with, you will get fully paid from them with the money staying with you since you did the work. But with game development, you will get a percentage of the money earnt as I would like to keep some to help upgrade the resources available to us in future. (That is if our game makes money)

What benefits are there for helping?

Collaborating with our hobbyist business will have many benefits if you are looking for them. Teamwork is an important benefit because if you are working with people in the workforce doing jobs like this or any job in general, teamwork will come in handy and this is a great stepping stone to begin with. Not only that, but you will also hopefully expand your knowledge of game development and art which will help you if you want to pursue these things in the future. Taking part and helping in this will give you an insight into how a business can be run and what you could possibly expect from one when you join one.

What We are Looking For

The requirements for this is that you are at least 13+ sensible and mature.
You must have knowledge in either art, modelling, blender, unity, unreal or coding. Preferably you should know HTML, CSS, Javascript, C# and C++ but knowing one of these is fine. I am also looking for a few people who know PHP and SQL to help out with things in those areas.

If you are interested or would like to know more information, please leave any questions below or again email me as I will be happy to answer any.

Here is our discord if you want to be a part of that too and join our studio.


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