Lonely lamp is still lonely

Lonely lamp wonders what did it do to deserve this loneliness

“Is it my stem?” “Is it my screws?”

Lonely lamp considers that maybe everyone else is an ******* except itself.

Lonely lamp feels it doesn’t deserve to be loved


May be its the light bulb?! :rofl:

Yeah, a little oversized, huh? :sweat_smile::grin:

Yeah, but that’s okay :stuck_out_tongue: !

Hey if you don’t mind me asking, you taking blender course?

Can you help me a bit with assets for my game? I am in unreal course.

I thought I’d ask in the forum, I just saw your reply and I thought I’d ask you first.

Yes I’m taking the blender course :grin:
Actually, I’m pretty much new using the program and I’m not confident enough to make assets for a game just yet, but you should find plenty of assets online to keep on learning or if you prefer I’m sure there are more experienced students willing to help.

Good luck!!:muscle:


I tried for the resources online, they are waaaaaay tooooo perfect for a low poly game. With that much detail, everything except the asset will look stupid.

I am gonna do that!

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