LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find object

When following along with this video in UE 4.14, I get the following warning in the Output Log:
LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find object ‘Class /Script/BuildingEscape.BuildingEscapeGameMode’.

Otherwise what I have looks the same as the video, except I don’t get the Actor warnings that show up before our log output. Does anyone know if this is a problem or not? I couldn’t really tell by looking at google results.


Hi, try to click on the games folder in the VS and build the BuildingEscape file.

Thanks. The warning went away as I progressed through the project, but I’ll keep that in mind if it returns.

Any solutions for this please??I am really not able to see UE_LOG warning that I added and see this exact warning in the log.

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