LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find object 'Class /Script/BuildingEscape.BuildingEscapeGameMode

Hi there,

I can see the same screen in level editor like Ben has (Lecture 59- 3:58) the only difference is I am getting the following error:
LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find object 'Class /Script/BuildingEscape.BuildingEscapeGameMode

I tried everything like building the game from Visual studio and then compiling it from unreal but it seems like I am not getting the result. How do I fix this?


You probably have C++ code somewhere referencing the BuildingEscapeGameMode and possibly moved renamed it. So would have to update the C++ code that references that.

The error went away. Thank you for assisting me :relaxed:

What did you do? When did the code go away? I’m getting it too, and I really at this point I have just added the objects to the initial scene in the Getting to know Unreal’s editor section, as well as adding the Position reporter class to the project/solution… Any help/guidance would be appreciated!!!

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I had a problem like this. For whatever reason, my PositionReport.cpp file was missing a line of code that was in the video. Adding the bolded line fixed it for me.

bWantsBeginPlay = true;
PrimaryComponentTick.bCanEverTick = true;



Any solutions for this? I am stuck on this as well.

I think I might have found the remedy - In Unreal I went to Settings, Project Settings, Maps and Modes, and under Default Modes, Default GameMode it was set to None somehow. I chose “BuildingEscapeGameModeBase” in the dropdown then I didn’t see the error anymore.

Also I noticed after doing this there was a change in the DefaultEngine.ini:

Who knows how it was set to a nonexistent class before?


sir, big thanks had the same issue the line: bWantsBeginPlay = true; was somehow missing, after 20min of headache and searching i found your answer and you saved my day!

had the same error and after went to settings and changed, the error was gone!

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