Hello Nina, thank you taking the time to write me some instructions.
If, else if and else sequences are checked in order.
First, the software will check if the “if” statement is “true”; if it is, it will action the code block and it will ignore any subsequent “else if” and “else” related to the “if” statement.
If the first “if” statement is false, it will check all subsequent “else if” in the same manner. If all “if” and “else if” statements are “false”, then it will action whatever is in the code block of the “else” section.
That is the way I always thought it worked out as. My main language was Java, I wonder if there is a difference between Java and C# or if my understanding was always lacking.
Please let me know if there is anything that I got wrong because from my point of view, if I held A (which would turn on particles for A counter side) and then held D at the same time, give that A is the superior statement, the particles for D should to trigger.
And then if I release A while still holding D; the particles for D counter side should trigger but the A particles should still be turned on because the “else” section was never reached.