Location, dimension, rotation and scale

Hi everyone. I am new here. I got a question. How can i correct all walls, towers and etc, similar?


In edit mode of each item, (in turn) select the base face, or base edge loop if there is no base face, and press Shift S, selecting cursor to selection.
Then in Object mode for that item, right click, and select, ‘set Origin’, 3d cursor.

Repeat for each item.

When they all have their origin point on their own bases, Add a ground plane if you do not have one.
Change the snapping dropdown next to the magnet to snap to Face. Click, to turn on snapping (magnet icon). Now select each object in turn and press G, Z, and drag downwards until it ‘snaps’ to the base plane.

This should mean each item stays in place and only moves downwards onto the ground plane.

Clearly, you could just use a proper orthographic front view and drag each item down by eye, near enough is often good enough. Lots of ways to do things in Blender. The above snapping way is more accurate though.


Thanks a lot. I’ve just started today. There is a plain but not seem above. Is there a way to do all of them simultaneously what you wrote?

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Select them all (objects).
Grab g z direction,
And pull them down the ground plane.

As NP5 explained, there are many ways to solve problems in Blender.
But it starts with an efficient way to build, create, and design scenes.
Which is not part of the first steps of learning Blender.
Be patient, many tools will be explained.


As just been said, many ways of doing things in blender. Another way is to do it in edit mode.

  1. Press Shift + S and select cursor to world origin.
  2. Select all objects you want to edit and go into edit mode.
  3. Set pivot point around 3D cursor.
  4. Toggle X-ray.
  5. Turn on edge select.
  6. Box select the base edge loops of all the objects you want to be even on the ground.
  7. Press G, S, Z, and 0 individually.
  8. Voila! All the edges are now even at point 0 of the z axis from the world origin.

But after writing it out, it doesn’t look as straight forward as I thought it would. :sweat_smile: But yeah you could definitly get away with just eyeballing it too! Don’t sweat it. Just keep on going and learning more


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