Local Player Authority

I have been running a local build as my second client. Adding the Network Transform allowed my host’s movements to appear on my client’s machine, but my client’s movements still didn’t show up on my host’s machine. Eventually I figured, okay, I’m sure we’ll discuss why this is and how to fix it.
Per Ben’s instruction, I researched Local Player Authority. After reading through it, I got a hunch about that tick box in the Network Identity component. So I checked it, and tried again.
Now all movements by either player are reflected on the other "machine."
My understanding of this is that without this box checked, the server had control over all objects in the scene. The host machine, since it is client and server, has full control over its own player, and all of its movements are reflected on all “remote” machines. Checking that box (and doing a rebuild) gave my “remote” user similar control over his own player, so that his movements are reflected across the network to the host and any other client machines.
Just my thoughts. Please correct me if I am totally off base here.

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