Local dimensions don't update if rotated in edit mode

So, basically I noticed that whenever I scale an object or rotate it in edit mode, the local dimensions don’t update. If I rotated it and I wanted to grab and move it along it’s local x axis, I’ll do g+x+x to switch to local x, but it will be the same as the global x despite being rotated. If I performed the rotation and stuff in object mode though it works fine. Is there some sort of setting I accidentally turned on or off or something?

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Object mode and edit mode are two different things!

An object contains information of all kinds; modifiers, materials, origin point, etc.
And also the mesh data, which can be edited in edit mode!

An object has a scale but also the mesh has a scale (dimension).
That is why in object mode you need to perform APPLY SCALE.
To make mesh and object having the same dimension (scale).
This is important for Blender functions, working with the mesh, instead of the object.

Working with the mesh and an axis depends on which Transformation option you’ve selected.
Global, local, Normal, gimbal …


An object by default will have a rotation value of 0,0,0. Now if you rotate this in Object mode, the local rotation will change.

By default in Edit Mode, it will use global rotation but if you want to use the object’s local rotation value in Edit Mode, you press “R” for rotate and “X” TWICE to perform a local rotation.

At the top of the viewport, there’s a drop down menu called “Orientation”, you can change this from “Global” to “Local” as well.

This menu also has a hotkey with a pie menu “,” the comma key.

If you Apply Rotation in Object mode, you will lose this Local Rotation value as it will set this new rotation as 0,0,0 and you won’t be able to take advantage of the Local Rotation while in Edit Mode.


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