Living room - inner city apartment - update

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There are a number of things wrong, such as the tables would fall over. The point being to focus on what has been taught prior to Lecture 176.

The average apartment is around 2.7m ceiling - from that I gauged around 3.75m x 7.5m floor.
Rounding down I made a wireframe of 6bu x 12bu base and 2bu high. At 2bu:1m is small but even numbers to work with.
In another Layer I roughed up a box version of the lounge to a background image.
After that appended a human model and scaled it as if ceiling were around 2.7m.
I then scaled lounge relative to human. That set precedence for other objects.

Strelitzia image exposes certain issues which are not apparent from intended views.
City backdrop is a 2D image on a plane.
Vampire has been used as a game asset, on an old engine, allowing 2-3 meters height.

Most textures from Erin’s Texture Pack - Volume 1
I textured the Strelitzia.

It’s relying heavily on PBR Dielectric and PBR Metal Groups where no metals use Diffuse.

New assets

Bird of Paradise plants which I made using Wikipedia image as well as others for reference.

Coffee & Side Tables:
Applying bezier curves as per course.

Bezier curve with screw modifier to background image. Loop select delete then bridge edge loops as part of mesh reduction.

Simple box modeling, bevels, subdivide and loop cut as per course.

Wooden section loop cut and extrude to background image. Draw section I used Insert as well as extrude. For years I’ve done needless extrude and manipulate instead of 1 insert.

Width:Height relative to background image. Again, 2 Insert saved a lot of messing around I used to do.

Wall and floor sections that I can append to whatever.

Balcony doors:
Mirrored box model and bevel. A few goes on smoked glass material.

Balcony Railing:
Array modifier used as per course. A bit over 1 meter tall - within regulation.

Existing Asset

About 2-3 years go.
There are numerous mistakes along with relative lack of detail for number of tris.


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