Live status updates

Hi there -

I’m using Blender 2.78c (which may be a factor).

In the video I notice Michael has an updating information string in the lower left corner. When he uses Edge Slide, it displays the current -1 <-> +1 value. While I’ve clicked a stack of user preferences, I can’t seem to find the one that switches this useful information panel on. I’ve tried resetting layouts, using Default and other Layouts already. Does anyone know how to get it to display please? I’ll paste a snippet of the screenshot in question below for reference.



Thought I’d try a reinstall, and this status display appeared fine after it. Not clear if this was a Preference I’d unticked at some point, or something gone awry. So, if anyone knows a way of switching the status display off, I’d be interested to hear it just to stop me doing it again by mistake!

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