Live Retarget Hair Issue

Good Morning,

I’m having an issue when activating Live Retarget, where the hair decides to go on it’s own adventure.

See link below:

When Live Retarget is not active, hair is placed properly. I’m using Unreal 5.4 because it’s the latest. Should I downgrade to the used version? I feel like I might have this issue going forward. Did I miss something?

You can try modifying the LODSync value for the hair in your metahuman blueprint to see if that works (some folks use 1, others have used 4).

It’s generally a good to use the version of Unreal Engine that matches the course (5.1, in this case) as it can potentially avoid issues like this. What compounds the issue is that (to my knowledge) metahumans is considered an experimental feature so it undergoes changes with each version of UE 5.

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